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What Does It Mean That God Is Sovereign?

God is Good all the time, no matter where , no matter what the situations look like, he remain faithfull

What Does It Mean That God Is Sovereign?

God is Good all the time, no matter where , no matter what the situations look like, he remain faithfull

The Glorious, Life Altering Difference Between Grace and Mercy

The Lord is gracious and merciful, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love. (Psalm 145:8) What exactly is the difference between grace and mercy? And why does it even matter? Can’t we just use them interchangeably? Nope. If we do, we miss out on some glorious truths. God’s mercy and God’s grace are not the same things, though the differences are subtle, and they are often mentioned together. In many ways they overlap; usually when God pours out his mercy, he pours out his grace as well. Let’s dive into this a bit deeper.

The Glorious, Life Altering Difference Between Grace and Mercy

The Lord is gracious and merciful, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love. (Psalm 145:8) What exactly is the difference between grace and mercy? And why does it even matter? Can’t we just use them interchangeably? Nope. If we do, we miss out on some glorious truths. God’s mercy and God’s grace are not the same things, though the differences are subtle, and they are often mentioned together. In many ways they overlap; usually when God pours out his mercy, he pours out his grace as well. Let’s dive into this a bit deeper.

The Glorious, Life Altering Difference Between Grace and Mercy

The Lord is gracious and merciful, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love. (Psalm 145:8) What exactly is the difference between grace and mercy? And why does it even matter? Can’t we just use them interchangeably? Nope. If we do, we miss out on some glorious truths. God’s mercy and God’s grace are not the same things, though the differences are subtle, and they are often mentioned together. In many ways they overlap; usually when God pours out his mercy, he pours out his grace as well. Let’s dive into this a bit deeper.

©20234, Aklilu Tamirat